Reason For Update: We have looked into our Contact and Lead area within the system to work towards making steps easier and quicker for all-round productivity.
Have you registered for our ‘UNVEIL THE FUTURE – It’s time for some more game-changing’? If not, please visit this page and register for your place now. All will be revealed at 3 pm on the 19th of August. It’s time for you to register your interest in being invited to the VIP Launch.
*This is a must-attend event for forward-thinking installation companies. The unveiling will only take 15 minutes. We are installers too and therefore understand how precious your time is! What we are about to unveil will save that 15 minutes time and time again in the coming days alone. The future is a lot more efficient! The future is a lot closer than you think. Don’t get left behind.

We’ve introduced an expandable grid to show Leads & Contracts for a customer from the Contact grid view.
On the main Contact grid page (Contacts > Active Contacts), we’ve made each row expandable, which once expanded shows a list of Leads and Contracts for that customer. It is essentially bringing through what is inside the customer record but onto the grid. The contact grid loads with all rows closed, and only when a row is expanded will it fetch the data to minimise the load times of the main grid.
Added the Contact ID Number Column to the available list options in the Contact Grid
We’ve included the Contact number for each record in the main Contact grid, allowing the possibility to merge your Contacts easier by knowing the ID of the Contact you’re looking to merge into.
Active leads from same Contact
Mirroring the Active Contracts notification at the top of the Contract detail, we have included this function in the Lead area, allowing you to see if the customer has multiple active Leads. When clicking the ‘leads’ text in blue, this will open a list of the other active Leads linked to the relevant pages. This will also allow you to spot potential Lead duplication easier too.
Copy Lead option
We’ve introduced the ability to copy an existing lead with an option to include the original documents, notes and images to a new lead – this is very useful for Product-specific Contract types or split orders.
By coping over the Lead, you can select whether to copy the documents, images and notes across.
Following the copy lead function above this will leave a note in the new lead with a URL link to the original lead and vice versa for easy reference.
Business Pilot has a continual development cycle, and all new features are included within your subscription. In fact, as a user, we encourage you to ask for more! That way, we all benefit from a continually improved system.