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CRM Built By Installers For Installers

A simple system to increase your business performance

Business Pilot is a cloud-based fitting company or installation company ERP / CRM system providing tools to manage your entire business with the focus on driving profits whilst reducing hassle.


How does Business Pilot's CRM improve your business?

What if you could see into every part of your business at the touch of a button, from anywhere, on any device? If you had that level of instant visibility, how much money would you save through reduced errors and better cost management? How many more of those leads would become sales? And whilst your profits are on the up, how much easier would it be?

Business Pilot allows you that insight into your business and more.

Track Your Sales Through Our crm
Maximises sales opportunities and prevents dropping leads

Without proper tracking, it’s easy to either drop leads or spend too much time chasing the wrong ones. Whether it is the direct link from website to Business Pilot, or the temperature grading of leads, you will find Business Pilot has been created to make sure you maximise your sales opportunities. And when you’re ready to turn a lead into a sale, you will find the process seamless, carrying all of the history into the contract screens for easy access and continuity.

Since Business Pilot is a truly mobile solution, it goes without saying that your sales people can take site photos and video or upload voice memos to ensure that your sales team never miss a thing. As you progress the lead to a sale, as part of the seamless process, your operations team will get access to all of this information. This helps them to deliver a better service to your new customer, increasing referrals and more leads for you.

Control Your Operations
Every section intelligently connected throughout the system

Running a fitting or installations office (such as a windows, doors, double glazing, electrical, HVAC, etc.) is a massive task. We know. Collectively we have over 60 years of doing just that. Business Pilot was created to help make your life easier. There are the small things like storing documents and media files inside the contract, right through to the interactive schedule board. The main thing to know though is that everything in the system is intelligently linked to save you time and hassle.

When we say interactive schedule board for example, we don’t just mean how you can drag and drop installation dates, we mean that your board interacts with your contract screen and vice versa. If you don’t have confirmed delivery dates from suppliers, your schedule board will show you that the planned installation date has items required that are not confirmed for delivery. Job details are automatically sent to the right installers, simply because the system knows which Site App to send details to, base on who the job was assigned to on your schedule board. Now that is interactive and intelligent linking!

This intelligent linking extends into the finances of your business too meaning your finance manager will also love Business Pilot CRM / ERP system.

Designed to help you focus on generating increased profits

At the heart of every feature inside the Business Pilot ERP / CRM system for installation and fitting companies, the single focus is to help you to generate increased profits. The financial management features will not only help you to connect your data from Business Pilot to your financial accounting system but also to drill down on the key numbers of the business directly inside Business Pilot in real time.

Now it is easy to see which jobs created the highest profit. And since Business Pilot is all about giving you visibility on what is really happening in your business and with your installations, even service calls are linked back to specific installations (contracts) so you can see the real cost of a particular job, even after the original installation has been done and the job closed down. Working with a finance director and a data analyst, we focused on how to give you the most accurate information in the easiest way and let Business Pilot do all the hard work in the background. No more need for pulling various reports and matching information from one spreadsheet to another, just to find out information that really should be at your fingertips, in real time, from any device and from anywhere.

Thousands of users now rely on Business Pilot CRM system every day!

Try Business Pilot for Free

As part of our free trial, we will send a whole series of how to videos to help you get to grips with the Business Pilot installation company CRM /ERP system. Because the system is much more than a regular CRM, we are even on hand to talk you through how other installation companies are using Business Pilot as a business improvement system. If you would prefer to book a call with an existing user before the trial, call us on 0333 050 7506 or use the live chat facility.

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