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A system that fits around you

Business Pilot’s Object Tagging and Custom Fields allow you a deeper level of personalisation, so when do you use each option and just how far can you customise your system?


The challenge with most off the shelf systems is that they expect you to run your business in the way the system designer thinks you should. The challenge with bespoke software is that it is incredibly expensive to create and maintain, whilst still lacking many of the features that you just didn’t think possible. So, with Business Pilot we decided to bridge the gap and give you the best of both worlds!



Ninety percent of the information you want to store, access and report on will be the same as the next person, but when it comes to the ten percent, that makes you unique, we created two options to customise your Business Pilot system to your distinct way of working. Let’s dive in and show you what you can do, when you use Business Pilot to manage your installation business.


First off, Custom Fields. The clue is in the name. You can create the fields that you want Whether that be in a lead or a contract and use the field for whatever you want. You even get field type options. Want a date field? No problem. A dropdown or list? We’ve got you. Yes/No, Currency, Text. We’ve got the lot! All you have to do is to decide what you want to store and set the fields up.



Recording information is one thing, but tracking and reporting on this specific information is what makes Business Pilot’s Custom fields so powerful. Imagine customising your system, then being able to use this information to create detailed reports which you can feed back to your team and analyse. Now you can really take your business management to the next level!


Business Pilot has you covered, and whenever you set up your custom fields, these can be added to your ‘grid’ view, filtered on, sorted by and then exported to Excel just like any other field. We did say it’s like the best of both worlds.



We also said that we’d given you two options to customise your Business Pilot system. So, here’s the other option. Sometimes you just want to ‘tag’ a lead or contract, or even a contact. It doesn’t quite warrant a custom field, but you want to add a tag to something for later use.



As a (far-fetched but slightly amusing) example, you might use a custom field to record ‘What colour pyjamas’ your customer wears. With a tag, you might just tag them as ‘pink pyjamas’. Now, we are sure you will have far more relevant information that you want to use, but you get the picture. Probably a vivid one!


Tags can be reported on too. So, it doesn’t matter what information you use in your business, you can use it more powerfully in Business Pilot.



But wait! As if that wasn’t good enough, imagine being able to use the values of your custom fields within your document templates. Yes, creating templates within Business Pilot that when you use them, can replace the placeholder with whatever you have stored in the custom field. Just think of this is the same way you would think of ‘address’ or ‘first name’ or ‘invoice amount’ etc.



It is the same. Only it is using information that you want to use, and the rest of the world don’t care for. It is like having the best off the shelf system features, with the individuality of bespoke software. Wait, that’s what we said earlier.


The next step is for you to try it out. And you can even test it on the fully working free trial. What are you waiting for? Go grab a free trial and we will even walk you through this and many of the other features that will help to transform your business making things far more efficient and profitable.



p.s. Remember just like all the other Business Pilot features, they are available any time, any place, any device.


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As part of our free trial, we will send a whole series of how to videos to help you get to grips with the Business Pilot Installation company CRM system. Because the system is much more than a regular CRM, we are even on hand to talk you through how other installation companies are using Business Pilot as a business improvement system. If you would prefer to book a call with an existing user before the trial, call us on 0333 050 7506 or use the live chat facility.

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