

Installation, Purchase Orders, Images and Appointment Locations.

Update Includes: Option to backdate installations, set provisional suppliers for Contracts, Notification to show the order status on Purchase Orders when adding in Supplier invoices, a few adjustments to the Images tab to include the user who added such files and specific locations for diary appointments.

Set Provisional Suppliers

When setting the Contract up you will now see a page with Provisional Suppliers, here you can select which suppliers will be required for the job in hand. You can also set these in the Purchase Orders area of the Contract itself giving you or your team a checklist for ordering!

Within the customer’s Contract page, under the Purchase Order tab, you will have a list of those suppliers selected and a tick beside those with PO’s raised within the system and an ‘X’ on those yet to be entered. Allowing you to keep track of your orders with efficiency.

Backdating Installation Dates

Whether you’re just starting out with Business Pilot or have been with us a while, the option to backdate Installations is now possible.

We’ve also fixed the AM to PM function, where sometimes the ticket remained in the previous position until another slot was booked in. In addition, we have removed the estimated? ‘true/false’ column on the PO Excel Export as this was a duplicated field against the Status column and is no longer required.

Purchase Orders Status when adding a Supplier Invoice

When attaching a Supplier Invoice to a Purchase order we have introduced a notification to warn you if the delivery of such order is remaining so you can choose whether to submit such invoice before the goods are received. This is also available within the Record Invoices function within the main Purchase Order page where you can bulk upload such invoices.

Would you like to export this cost?

In addition, when adding a Purchase Order invoice you now have a toggle available to choose whether you’d like to export this into your accounts system. This will default to ‘Yes’, if this is changed to ‘No’ the cost will not appear in your Export Costs CSV file.

This feature is also available on the ‘Record Invoices’ bulk input area as well.

Adjustment on Images

We’ve made a few subtle changes in the images page to allow some space for the user who added such files. Now you can see who’s uploaded which files which helps know which are sales images against the installation/ service images. You are able to edit or delete such file by hovering your mouse over the image and selecting the relevant icon. By clicking edit you will be able to enable or disable the ‘view in app’ function.

Appointment Locations

With recent events such as Covid and the ever-growing availability of flexible appointments, when booking a Sales, Survey appointment or a Service call from the Lead/Contract page you now have an optional location where you can assign the appointment to the Contact address, Install address, Showroom or Virtual for those Zoom/Teams calls.

Please note that ‘Contact’ Addresses are not Geo-Coded within the CRM so the ‘View on Map function’ is not enabled for those appointment types. You can still use the GoogleMaps facility within the CRM and the App.

Business Pilot has a continual development cycle and all new features are included within your subscription. In fact, as a user, we encourage you to ask for more! That way, we all benefit from a continually improved system.

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