Reason For Update: You heard right, chat has come to Business Pilot. We first opened up a notification centre to update you with upcoming events, recent updates and news. This was the first step for us to be able to integrate a chat system between users. Next was the activity tab… now it’s finally here!

Why we’ve included Chat to Business Pilot –
Instant messaging has become an important and easy internal communications channel for many organisations. It’s changing how individuals and teams interact at work. Our chat doesn’t have any GIFs, so there are no distractions, and all chats are saved in the client record to which it relates. When it’s adequately deployed organisation-wide, it can largely replace internal email.

How to find your notifications –
The alarm bell on the top, right-hand side of your Business Pilot screen will have a red number and ‘ring’ when a new notification comes through.

Any mentions will be listed. The text is bold for any unread messages. Once actioned, you can always click the ‘X’ to remove these from the list or leave them read as required.
When open, you’ll be able to see the entire note, and a link to the lead or contract page is available for ease of access.
How to chat –
The chat feature is designed to enable you to loop a colleague back in to an ongoing job for quick queries or to update them on progress. Tasks would still be the preferred method for specific actions or for future events.
To chat, simply tag the user in your notes, e.g. @Reah Harris and select the user from the dropdown menu. With notes, these do not need to be marked complete once done.
Once saved, any tags will appear in blue. Remember, you can filter your notes by clicking the funnel icon beside the relevant column. If you’re looking for tags made specifically, you can search ‘@’ and see a list of tags at any given time.
How To Video
If you haven’t already checked out our knowledgebase, click the ‘?’ icon near the notifications icon. Here lives our how-to videos – these are split into Sales, Operations, Finance and Integrations, and there’s a search bar you can enter keywords in such as ‘diary’, ‘users’, ‘app’ to find related videos.
(if there’s something you are looking for and you cannot find it, please email and we’ll add a video to our list and help you while this is being created).

Here’s our video for the chat function:
Business Pilot has a continual development cycle, and all new features are included within your subscription. In fact, as a user, we encourage you to ask for more! That way, we all benefit from a continually improved system.