- In the search bar at the top of the page, begin typing the customers surname in. Suggestions will appear you may have a few matches, if so, you will be able to see the town and postcodes to determine which lead you are after.
- Clicking their name will open the page you are looking for. Images will show on the left-hand side detailing if the link will go to the contact page, lead page, contract or supplier invoice page.
- There are quick links in each of these pages to navigate through each of these pages if you need to travel in between.
Alternatively, you can search on the contact page.
- To do this head to the main menu and click on Contacts, ‘Active Contacts’ or Leads, ‘Live Leads’.
- Click the three vertical dots on the postcode column
- Type the postcode in the field below ‘Contains’ and press filter or hit the enter key for a shortcut.
- This will take you to the contacts that match the filter. Click on the edit button beside the customer you are searching for.