

How To Manage Contract Types

To Do This:

  1. Head to the Main Menu and under the Admin section, select ‘Manage Contract Types’.
  2. Select ‘+ Add New’. Enter the name of the Contract Type and the Code (This is an abbreviation).
  3. Select whether you’d like to display this code as a prefix or suffix. (Please note if this is ticked, the code will appear either side of the Contract number).
  4. Select a Nominal Code (This will appear in your reports and financial accounts). Select a BG Colour and Text Colour (These will appear in your Schedule Board so try to use colours that aren’t too bright on the eye).
  5. Tick to say the Contract Type is Active, (you can always de-activate this if needed) and select ‘Update’.
  6. To edit an existing Contract Type select the ‘Edit’ button beside it. Remember to select Update to save any changes made.
  7. Contract Types are listed in the main page of any Contract. If you selected ‘Display code as a prefix?’, this will appear in front of the Contract number in the top-right hand side of your Contract page.
  8. If you head back to ‘Manage Contract Types’ and select ‘Display code as suffix?’, the code will appear after the Contract number.
  9. If you’d rather no code before your Contract numbers, you can untick the display codes in the Contract Types settings.
  10. To delete a Contract Type, select the red delete button beside it. Please note if you have any Contract Types associated to a Contract, then you are unable to delete it.

Thank you for watching our how-to video on How To Manage Contract Types, for more information and access to our free trial please visit our website https://businesspilot.co.uk

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