

Recent Amendments & Fixes

Reason for Update: 

Business Pilot goes through development each week and is being improved behind the scenes, we’ve got some great updates on the way to you.

Let’s see what we got up to recently.


Images uploaded through our APP auotmatically default to App Type so that it is initially obvious where they have come from. Previously only the user who uploaded the images or Super Admin could change they Type. We have now changed this so all users can adjust these as required and make the organisation of the images easier. 


We have now made it possible to complete open tasks for users that are inactive.

We have put a resolution in place for scenarios where a user may accidently mark a task as complete. Marking this back as incomplete then removes the completed date which had been assigned, meaning there is no need to duplicate these records to set this right. 

Notes are automatically saved to the customers file when a task has been added and when a task due date, details or owner is changed.

Both ‘Open Tasks’ menus are now accessible to all users, these are available for both Lead & Contracts. If you have a sales representative restricted to see only their sales, they can also only view tasks in their name. All other users have the default filter set to own tasks but are able to clear this down to see all tasks to allow operations to assist across the board. 

Task / Note

When a task is created it adds a new note in the lead/contract as before and if either is updated in the future this now links to the other syncing the update.

Page Views and Filters:

We have updated our filters within the contact hub, allowing you to amend your view and filter this information down as required.

We have improved the page view on the customers contact page, if the customer is a trade customer they’d have many leads and contracts under their account, now you can see how many pages there are and have the choice to show 10/20/50 or 100 at a time.

Purchase Orders:

We have removed the word ‘Null’ showing in the Purchase Orders page, this will show blank moving forward to give you a more visual identification this is does not have a date allocated. 

Secondly, when sending a Purchase Order document you were unable to remove the attachment from being sent. We’ve fixed the ‘x’ button so you’re able to remove this to send emails to your suppliers without re-sending the purchase orders. 

Thirdly, when updating a Purchase Orders or raising an Invoice you no longer have to refresh the page to see this update throughout the tabs.

Business Pilot has a continual development cycle and all new features are included within your subscription. In fact, as a user, we encourage you to ask for more! That way, we all benefit from a continually improved system.

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