

Recent Fixes & Improvements

Reason for Update: 
Business Pilot goes through development each week and is being improved behind the scenes, we’ve got some great updates on the way to you.
Let’s see what we got up to this week…

Installation Schedule: We have improved our Schedule Settings within the Admin tab of our menu. You are now able to book continuous, or groups of, days holiday for your Installers rather than individual slots. Perfect timing ready for the Festive break.

While working on this, it was reported to us that while adding an Installers Holiday date where you have the option whether or not to allow auto-booking or manual booking.  When selecting no, the system did not recognise these requests. This has been resolved. 

While streamlining the Schedule, we have made an improvement to Manual Booking’s, when you double click a day and team in the Schedule board this will be automatically selected as the job details appear. 

Service Calls: The main Service Call page was experiencing an issue with the search function where it could not find the ID of the contract chosen properly. We have pushed a quick fix out and this page is back operational. 

Email Templates: Along with these improvements, we have added some new placeholders to our Email Purchase Order templates which include: {PO Special Instruction}, {PO Confirmed Date}, {PO Estimated Date} and {PO Delivered Date}. You can find these in the drop down menu it the Manage Email Templates section.

Thank you to everyone that have got in touch regarding an improvement or a bug, we appreciate it. If you’ve spotted something that doesn’t look right please contact Business Pilot Support on 01494 211152. 

We want you to get the most out of your Business Pilot subscription. So, we provide a variety of How To videos and help guides. Please visit https://businesspilot.co.uk/knowledgebase for details.

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