

Task Completion Notifications, Note Pinning, Display Orders & Supply Only/Supply & Fit Default Setting

Our development team has been hard at work and here’s a rundown of the latest Business Pilot system updates, that have been designed to make your working life easier.

Many of these have been suggestions from our awesome Business Pilot Community. We love to make sure the system works in the best way for you and your business, so keep those ideas coming!

New Default Option for Supply Only / Supply & Fit on New Contracts

For those companies who do more ‘Supply Only’ than ‘Supply and Fit’ contracts, you can now adjust the default setting for your contract supply type to save switching the toggle each time a contract is added.

The standard default is still set to ‘Supply & Fit’. If you wish to adjust this setting, head to: Admin > Company Settings. There is a new toggle called ‘Contract Supply Type’ where you can set your preferred default.

Pin Important Notes

In the Notes areas, you will now see a new pin button next to each note. Clicking this button will mean that particular note is pinned to the top of the notes list.

You may pin as many notes as you wish, but we would recommend only using this feature for your most important notes, that need to be seen on the first page of the notes section.

Task Completion Notification

A new notification feature here. When you set a task for a colleague, you will now receive a system notification when they mark that task as complete.

This is to give you extra peace of mind that tasks are being completed, and to improve automated information flow between the team without having to go in and check contracts and grids.

Please note the task completion notification will only be sent to the person who set the task.

Lead Grids Column Updates

A new ‘Lead Type’ column has been added to the Sold Leads and Lost Leads grids to enable more in-depth reporting and lead analysis.

A ‘Reason for Loss’ column has been added to the All Leads grid.

To view these new columns, select the three dots at the top of any column in the Lead Grid, hover over ‘columns’ and you will see these new options in the tick list. Simply select the ones you want to see.

Remember you can save your grid views, so that you don’t have to re-select your columns every time you view a grid. Just click the save icon at the top of the grid and give your grid view a name. It will then be available from the drop-down menu whenever you are on that grid page.

Set Display Order for Product Types, Contract Types & Teams

We have introduced display order settings for Product Types, Contract Types & Teams. Similar to the VAT Code display ordering, you can now set the order that these options are displayed in the dropdown menu.

To set your display order for Product Types, go to – Admin > Contract & Products > Product Types.

In the list, you will now see an extra column called ‘Display Order’. Here, you can drag and drop the items into the display order of your choosing.

To set the ordering for Contract Types, go to Admin > Contract & Products > Contract/Lead Types.

To set your Teams display order on the Schedule Board, go to Admin > Schedule & Fitting > Teams.

BPmail – Email Content Box Expanded

When you create an email, you will now see that the email content box has been expanded, so that you can see more of your email content, to save additional scrolling on larger emails.

Update for Regional Customers

Sales Tax Field Format

In the sales tax field, the formatting has been adjusted to make inputting percentages easier. Rather than using the decimal format, you can now simply input the percentage number.

For example, previously to input 25%, you would type ‘0.25’ now you can just type the number ‘25’.

If you have any questions about these latest updates, please do not hesitate to contact our support team via the support chat or by calling 0333 050 7632.

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