

UPDATE :Stock system improvements and other areas.

Reason For Update: Happy New Year! This is our first update of 2023, we saw many new features last year and we look forward to bringing many new and exciting elements to you throughout this year as well!

Many of our improvements in this update feature around our ‘stock system’, however we also have a few additional updates to mention.

New Grid/Menu View for Allocated Stock

The Stock Area of Business Pilot has seen some improvements. Within the Stock tab you now have an option to view ‘Allocated Stock’. You can view Allocated Stock for ‘Live Contracts’ and ‘All Contracts’.

This enables you to much more easily see where the stock has been allocated for checking and auditing purposes. The units are aggregated too so multiples of the same items are collated to give a single customer line. We have also added the Customer Name as well as the Contract Number.

Along with all the other grids within the system, these can be filtered. Columns can be added and removed as needed to give you your required grid view.

The allocated stock grid will show you the ‘Stock Name’, the ‘Quantity’ and the contract this is allocated too.

Editable Stock Order Reference

The ‘”‘Order Reference’ is now able to be amended once you have added a ‘Stock Order’. This is useful if you don’t always have an order reference upon ordering stock and want to add this at a later date.

We have linked a “How To” video below on how you can do this.

View Customer Name inside Stock item (Allocation Page)

When viewing the assigned stock inside the Stock Items tab we have introduced a column for the Contract Name to help identify where the stock has been assigned too where the Contract Number is not known.

Default filter to Active Stock

Much like our other updates, we have introduced a filter to primarily show ‘Active Stock’. When you open a Stock Item under the ‘Items’ tab your grid will now default to show you your unallocated stock first. This can be cleared to enable you to see ‘All Stock’ by clicking ‘Clear All Filters’ at the top of the grid.

Increased Grid Cache from 24hr to 72hrs

We love the multiple grid options we have in Business Pilot and how versatile they are. Adding columns, removing columns and adding filters. To ensure the information and data you have compiled in front of you stays active for longer, we have increased our grid cache from 24 hours to 72 hours. Meaning the columns and filters you have set on your grids will be present and active for a longer period of time.

Additional Consumables column for Nominal Codes & Job Cost Reports

Inside your ‘Admin’ area under ‘Finance’, we have added a new column in the ‘Manage Nominal Codes’ grid. You now have a column for ‘Consumable Cost’. This has also been incorporated into the Job Cost reports.

This is aimed at seperatiing ancillaries and consumables from the major purchases. To set the Nominal Codes to the relevant column just go to the area shown below and BP will do the rest.

Custom Fields- Multi line text

Back in September we released “Custom Fields” into Business Pilot. We have now added an additional ‘Field Type’ called ‘Text – Multiline’. This will give a larger text area to enter your custom information into. This is available in both Leads and Contracts.

Business Pilot has a continual development cycle and all new features are included within your subscription. In fact, as a user, we encourage you to ask for more! That way, we all benefit from a continually improved system.

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