How To Change Your Main Job Card To Product Type or Product Interest
To Do This: Product Type is the main colour on this job card within the Schedule. Within your Main Menu, head to the Admin section,
To Do This: Product Type is the main colour on this job card within the Schedule. Within your Main Menu, head to the Admin section,
To Do This: Within the Contact page, head to the Activity’s tab and select Notes. Select ‘Export to Excel’. Select ‘Enable Editing’ if you’d like
To Do This: Within your Lead or Contract, head to the Documents tab. Select the blue edit button beside the document. Make any relevant changes
To Do This: Head to the Main Menu, and select ‘Manage Product Types’ under the Admin section. Select the blue edit button beside the
To Do This: In the Main Menu, head to the Service area and select ‘All’. Select the search icon besides a Closed Service Call. Scroll
To Do This: In the Main Menu, head to the Admin section and select ‘Manage Settings’. Scroll down, and select the Disable BP Mail Notes
To Do This: In the Main Menu, head to the Admin section and select ‘Manage Users’. Select the blue edit button beside the user and
To Do This: In the Main Menu, head to Admin and select ‘Manage Lead Sources’. Click the white arrow and select the new Lead Source
To Do This: In the Main Menu, head to Admin and Manage Users. Select the user you would like to remove tasks from by clicking
To Do This: Within your dashboard, select the question mark in the top right-hand side of the screen and ‘Contact Live Support’. Enter your name,
To Do This: Head to the main menu, select ‘Admin’ and then ‘Manage Service Call Route of Issues’. Select ‘+ Add New’ and enter
To Do This: Within your Contact page, scroll down to a number and select the phone icon. A Pop-Up box will appear on the right-hand
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